홈스테이 캐나다, Oakville
We are a family of four, including two teenagers, who are excited to open our home and run a homestay. We look forward to connecting with people from diverse cultures, sharing our local knowledge, and providing a cozy and inviting environment for students and working professionals. Creating a homestay allows us to make the most of the extra space in our home and often results in lasting friendships and the sharing of unique experiences. We believe that by doing so, we can foster a strong sense of community and provide an exclusive and unforgettable stay that can't be found elsewhere.
Currently, we have two available rooms and are accepting two male or female guests. We are easy-going and friendly, and love meeting new people. We live in a safe neighbourhood with public transportation, shops, a library, and community centers nearby.
I am a good cook, and all meals are home-cooked, with the option for take-out food as well. During the weekdays, we eat breakfast and dinner together and pack lunch for school. If you have special dietary requirements, we accommodate and will adjust our meals to meet your needs.
As our guest, you will be treated as part of our family and will have access to all of our common areas, including the living room, family room, kitchen, garden, and back patio. We enjoy movies, playing ping pong, board games, and going to the gym. I also love gardening and keeping our backyard beautiful. In the summer, we enjoy visiting various attractions.
We would love to host your stay in Oakville, Ontario, and make it an amazing experience for you.
호스트: Madala
- 2명 13-19세
- 호스트 비흡연
이 호스트는 다음 게스트를 환영합니다:
- 어학연수생/교환학생
- 대학생
- 성인(20대 중반 이상)
- 커플
- 아이들과 함께 여행하는 가족
- 신규 이민자
- 출장자
- 계약직 간호사
서비스 및 편의시설
- 식사 포함여부: 식사 불포함
- 무선 광역 인터넷 (Wi-Fi)
- 흡연 불가
- Full service laundry included at least once weekly in rate
입주 정보
- 2 욕실, 1-2명 체류 가능
- 이주를 원할 시 1달 사전 안내 요망
이 홈스테이에는 2개의 방이 있습니다
룸 No1: 지하층
1명 체류 가능
- 1 × 싱글침대
- 공용 욕실 (다른 방문자와 공유)
- 헤어 드라이어
- 책상 및 의자
- 냉장고
- 침실 잠금장치
- 전신거울
- 에어컨
- 침대 옆 작은 테이블
- 옷장
- 텔레비젼
룸 No2: 지하층
1명 체류 가능
- 1 × 더블침대
- 공용 욕실 (다른 방문자와 공유)
- 헤어 드라이어
- 책상 및 의자
- 냉장고
- 침실 잠금장치
- 전신거울
- 에어컨
- 침대 옆 작은 테이블
- 옷장
- 텔레비젼
홈스테이 근처의 학교들
대학 및 전문대학 (8)
5 km37분
6 km49분
12 km93분
16 km81분
17 km94분
17 km95분
17 km92분
17 km87분
초중고등학교 (2)
7 km99분
7 km94분
요리학교 (2)
14 km90분
17 km81분
어학원 (9)
5 km80분
6 km50분
13 km102분
13 km102분
13 km73분
14 km77분
17 km77분
17 km100분
18 km90분
항공학교 (1)
11 km?분
아래에 제시된 거리는 대략의 아이디어를 주기 위한것으로 정확한 정보는 홈스테이 가족에게 직접 문의하세요.