홈스테이 캐나다, 몬트리올
We welcome you to our home. We have two bedrooms that are shared with the family(This school year my contact page we are only accepting 1 student in a room in our apartment). We also have a self contained one bedroom apartment for rent. The one bedroom comes with electricity, is heated and with wi-fi. The apartment has a separate entrance, a stove and refrigerator as well as an en-suite bathroom. In general we do not provide meals for the apartment rental. If you are interested in a meal plan that is an additional cost.
We are an Anglophone family of South Asian and American heritage. My 2 younger children attended French school so are perfectly bilingual. We are a cosmopolitan educated family as I was raised as part of an international community of the United Nations. I work at a college downtown Montreal, as an Education Advisor. In this capacity, I work directly with students who are seeking help in implementing positive study strategies, who need assistance in developing their English language writing skills and those struggling with academics due to learning differences. My older daughter graduated from McGill University with an Honors degree in Political Science and East Asian Studies (Mandarin language) and is in graduate school at Carleton University studying International Affairs. My younger daughter graduated in May from McGill University with an Honors degree in Psychology, with a minor in Gender, Sexuality, Feminist and Social Justice studies. She is woriking as a profile coordinator with Native Women Quebec.
We are located 20 to 35mins from Centreville (downtown) by public transport, 12 minutes by car. There are multiple grocery stores a short walk away, as well as a large shopping mall. Public transportation is very regular (every 3-5 minutes) and easy to access. We are close to many houses of worship- a beautiful Gurudwara and multiple churches of different denominations.
Why we enjoy hosting :That’s easy, We know that we have much to offer to someone coming to this country and in need of the support and friendship of family. We are flexible and adaptable and wish to share our experiences with others and have them share theirs with us. As a family we are firmly committed to the positive aspects of interactions between people of different cultures and traditions. Our family has been hosting individuals since 2001 while we still lived in NY. I have been hosting student since my years in graduate school. We hosted several study exchange students while we lived in China as well. Because of our international and intercultural experiences, on any given day we might be eating American, French, Italian, Korean, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Indian, Nigerian, Mexican etc. and we enjoy the openness to other gormandic experiences. An openness and interest in global cuisine will enable you to truly enjoy the food culture at our home.
About us: As a family, we hold education in high esteem. I hold a Doctorate in International Education and Global Development, as well as three Master’s degrees in: Teaching English as a Second Language; Social Studies Education; and Intercultural and Diversity Training. To illustrate to you a little about our long term commitment to international education and understanding: I received a National Endowment of the Humanities award to study the Arts, Film and Literature of Africa. I was also awarded a Fulbright grant to China to study the Teacher Education methodology, history and literature in China. As well, I received a Korea Foundation International Fellowship travel and study award to study in Korea for three months. I received this award for my conflict resolution work with the Korean and African-American/Hispanic communities in New York City.
Our interests and hobbies :Wow… now that’s where we have a broad range of interests. We love trying new dishes- both eating them and cooking them. My daughters are excellent chefs and bakers. We enjoy cake decorating and crafts. We make jewelry which is sold to support Palliative care activities, and an organization my daughters founded called "Children Helping Children". More recently, my daughters also founded an organization named "Brown Women's Empowerment Sisterhood" (BWES). BWES is an intersectional feminist organization supporting BIPOC women. [접속 불가능한 링크]
We try to attend cultural events such as the theater, from museums to immigrant cultural festivals and we like to share this with our home stay students. We also enjoy quiet times at home, watching movies and reading. I have a passion for gardening and having fresh homegrown vegetables in the summer. Our family adores camping and camping with us is an awesome experience.
Countries we've visited: I have traveled to almost every continent, and lived in many places. Places I have lived…Botswana, Nigeria, Swaziland, Ghana, Chad, Fiji Islands, Sri Lanka, India, China...let me not forget Canada and the US. I was fortunate that my parents took us to at least two new countries to visit every vacation, thus I have been deeply exposed to other cultures and traditions. I endeavor to continue to travel with my children in the effort to expose them to other cultures and traditions. They lived for 3 years in China, and traveled to Sri Lanka, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Indonesia, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico Germany, Belgium, Switzerland and many other European countries, as well as travelling extensively in the United States.
호스트: Rashmini
- 2명 19세 이상
- 호스트 비흡연
- 집안내 애완동물(들) 거주
이 호스트는 다음 게스트를 환영합니다:
- 어학연수생/교환학생
- 대학생
- 성인(20대 중반 이상)
- 커플
- 아이들과 함께 여행하는 가족
- 신규 이민자
- 출장자
- 계약직 간호사
서비스 및 편의시설
- 식사 포함여부: 아침
- 무선 광역 인터넷 (Wi-Fi)
- 발코니나 마당과 같은 집 밖의 공간에서만 가능
- Self service laundry included in rate (use of machine and detergent)
입주 정보
- 3 욕실, 1-3명 체류 가능
- 3달 최소 체류기간
- 이주를 원할 시 2달 사전 안내 요망
이 홈스테이에는 3개의 방이 있습니다
룸 No1: 1층
1명 체류 가능
- 1 × 더블침대
- 공용 욕실 (홈스테이 가족과 공유)
- 침대 옆 작은 테이블
- 옷장
- 책상 및 의자
룸 No2: 1층
1명 체류 가능
- 1 × 싱글침대
- 공용 욕실 (홈스테이 가족과 공유)
- 침대 옆 작은 테이블
- 옷장
- 책상 및 의자
- 전신거울
룸 No3: 지하층
1명 체류 가능
- 1 × 더블침대
- 침실내 개인욕실
- 침대 옆 작은 테이블
- 옷장
- 책상 및 의자
- 냉장고
홈스테이 근처의 학교들
대학 및 전문대학 (47)
2 km23분
3 km37분
4 km54분
5 km55분
7 km37분
7 km35분
7 km36분
7 km52분
7 km51분
8 km39분
8 km51분
8 km36분
8 km53분
8 km43분
9 km45분
9 km44분
9 km38분
9 km39분
9 km54분
9 km44분
9 km46분
10 km45분
10 km48분
10 km42분
12 km74분
12 km56분
12 km59분
12 km38분
13 km64분
13 km46분
13 km49분
13 km53분
14 km70분
14 km76분
14 km54분
15 km67분
15 km73분
15 km66분
15 km68분
16 km94분
16 km81분
16 km87분
17 km86분
17 km80분
17 km95분
18 km86분
18 km72분
초중고등학교 (4)
3 km60분
5 km44분
6 km55분
8 km76분
댄스학교 (1)
10 km48분
직업학교 (1)
9 km35분
어학원 (28)
2 km33분
4 km41분
4 km49분
6 km45분
7 km36분
7 km35분
7 km36분
8 km34분
8 km34분
8 km37분
8 km40분
8 km39분
8 km39분
8 km36분
8 km36분
8 km37분
8 km36분
9 km34분
9 km35분
9 km44분
9 km43분
9 km40분
9 km52분
9 km47분
9 km52분
9 km58분
9 km43분
10 km39분
항공학교 (1)
8 km81분
요리학교 (1)
14 km66분
아래에 제시된 거리는 대략의 아이디어를 주기 위한것으로 정확한 정보는 홈스테이 가족에게 직접 문의하세요.