カナダ, バンクーバーでホームステイ

Homestay in Kerrisdale, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
UBC, Langara, Oakridge.

A nice homestay for International Students and Guests with working Holiday Visa.
We live in a very nice and a very safe area of Vancouver - in Kerrisdale and we are close to everything.

We are a retired Canadian couple with No Children at home and No Pets.
We have hosted many International Students and Guests with "Working Holiday Visa," from all over the world for more than 20 years from many English Language School in downtown Vancouver.

My husband Terry and I have travelled to many countries around the world ..........we have visited many countries several time over..........many countries in the Far East .............Japan, South Korea, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, Tonga, Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, and many of the South Pacific Islands.
We have been to many of the countries in Europe. .......England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Russia, Italy, Malta, Monaco, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece...............we have also visited many countries in South America too such as.............Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Brazil............we have been to many Caribbean Islands , Mexico.

My husband's hobbies are golfing, gardening, music, dancing, singing, watching television and travelling.............he used to play Tennis and Badminton.
I enjoy reading, swimming, music, dancing, gardening, knitting and travelling and watching television.

We like meeting International Students and Guests with 'Working Holiday Visa,' and helping them learn about Canada.
We enjoy learning all about the different countries, the different food, their customs and culture.

There are many jobs around our area, many of the students and guests with the "Working Holiday Visas," have found jobs close by to our house.

We are located in an excellent area of Vancouver, close to shopping and a community center with a library and swimming pool, there are many shops, grocery stores, coffee shops, many different kinds of restaurants, many banks, and many supermarkets.

There's only two of us in the home and we are Non Smokers with No Pets.
From our Homestay it is easy to catch the Sky Train or the bus to anywhere in Vancouver.
Sky Train to downtown Vancouver takes only a few minutes and it is quite easy to connect to Sky Train from our house.
It is also very easy to make connection by Sky Train to any part of Vancouver or Greater Vancouver .............so it is very easy to go anywhere quite fast by the Sky Train.
Our home is only one block from the bus stop - 1 Zone, and the bus comes by every 9 to 10 minutes during morning and afternoon rush hour, and 15 minutes the rest of the time.
We are also only 20 minutes to the airport and 25 / 30 minutes to downtown Vancouver by one direct bus.

We have two fully furnished rooms to rent and you will be sharing the kitchen and bathroom with one other student or guest of the same gender as you.
In the furnished rooms there is a lock to the bedroom door, a single firm mattress bed with sheets and pillow and blankets, there's chest of drawers, a closet, a full length mirror, desk and chair, lamps and lights, a carpet over the hardwood floors and a large window with a bug screen.

We also have high speed WIFI and TV (with over 100 channels) in your room and a separate entrance from the house.
No Smoking and No Overnight Guests.

If there is anything you would like to ask us please feel free to email us.

Ada Manson

  • 子供はいません
  • ホストは喫煙しない
  • このホストは次のゲストを歓迎します。
    • ESL/留学生
    • 大学生
    • 大人(20代半ば以上)
    • カップル
    • 子連れ家族旅行
    • 新たな移民
    • 出張者
    • 旅行看護師
  • 食事について: 無し
  • ワイヤレスブロードバンドインターネット (Wi-Fi)
  • 喫煙を許可しない
  • セルフランドリー(洗濯機と洗剤の使用料込み)
  • 2 Bedrooms, 1~2名収容
  • 1ヵ月 minimum stay
  • 12ヵ月 maximum stay
  • 1ヵ月 of notice required to move out


お部屋#1: ベースメント


利用開始日: 現在


  • ベッド

    • 1 × シングルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • ナイトテーブル
    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • 机と椅子
    • テレビ
    • 寝室のドアには鍵がある
    • フルハイトミラー
お部屋#2: ベースメント


利用開始日: 現在


  • ベッド

    • 1 × シングルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • ドライヤー
    • 机と椅子
    • 寝室のドアには鍵がある
    • フルハイトミラー
    • ナイトテーブル
    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • テレビ


条件に合う物件は見つかりましたか? バンクーバー で他のホームステイ先を探す