カナダ, バンクーバーでホームステイ

I'm thrilled to introduce myself and give you a glimpse into our warm, family-run homestay! I live here with my family—my husband and two young children—and together, we’ve created a welcoming environment that feels like a home away from home for students from all over the world.

Our homestay is located in a peaceful neighborhood, offering a perfect balance between a quiet study environment and easy access to nearby colleges and city attractions. We understand the unique needs of students and prioritize creating a comfortable and supportive space for them. Our home features cozy, well-equipped rooms, study spaces, and areas for relaxation after a day of classes.

With experience in hosting international students, we also emphasize cultural exchange and make it a point to celebrate various cultural events, so students feel included and appreciated. We enjoy preparing a variety of meals and are open to accommodating dietary preferences, making meal times a pleasant and nourishing part of their stay.

Our homestay is ideal for students seeking a supportive, family-oriented living environment that values their personal growth and well-being as they pursue their studies. Whether it's providing guidance on adjusting to life here or simply being a friendly ear, we're here to help students make the most of their experience.

  • 13~18歳の子供3人
  • ホストは喫煙しない
  • このホストは次のゲストを歓迎します。
    • ESL/留学生
    • 大学生
    • 大人(20代半ば以上)
    • カップル
    • 子連れ家族旅行
    • 新たな移民
    • 出張者
    • 旅行看護師
  • 食事について: 無し
  • ワイヤレスブロードバンドインターネット (Wi-Fi)
  • 外でなら許可する(中庭かバルコニーなど)
  • セルフランドリー(洗濯機と洗剤の使用料込み)
  • 希望条件により追加料金の可能性あり
  • 1 Bedroom, 1~2名収容
  • 3日 minimum stay
  • 1ヵ月 of notice required to move out


お部屋#1: アパート


利用開始日: 現在


(Billed at $30 毎日)

  • ベッド

    • 1 × 二段ベッド
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • 机と椅子


条件に合う物件は見つかりましたか? バンクーバー で他のホームステイ先を探す