カナダ, バンクーバーでホームステイ

Hello! Thanks for checking our household!

We live in Strathcona, a 10-minute walk from the Main Street-Science World skytrain, a 15-minute walk from Stadium-Chinatown skytrain, and a 20 minute walk Downtown in a detached house.

Our household is: Anika, 42, who works in theatre and accessibility; her son Laelo, who is 11; A. is a full-time mom of a 2-year-old boy; and Laura, 21, who studies game design. We're all very friendly people! We enjoy having late-night chats, cooking good food together, and doing outdoor activities, like going to festivals or doing picnics.

We are a collective house, so we make decisions together. Which is great if you want to have a say, not so great if you just want to rent a room and not be bothered. Participation is a very important thing to us, and we'd love for you to engage in our discussions and truly become part of our community!

Here's how our house works:
• Everyone participates by cooking or doing chores, gardening, baking, etc. Kinda like a family, everyone contributes with a little something!
• We like eating healthy, organic and local when possible, but we also enjoy treating ourselves to some junk food from time to time.
• We value good communication! We often check in with each other to see how everyone's doing.
• Environmentalism is also extremely important to us. Buying from eco-friendly brands, recycling things correctly, etc. is what we like to do.

Here's some languages we know: Flemish (or Dutch), French, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, German, a little Italian, and ASL

If you read this far then you might be a good fit for our house, and we would like to let you know there is some flexibility in the price. If you are willing to help out more than just do the dishes and occasional chores, we can adjust the price.

If this sounds like a good fit, reach out!

Anika, Laelo, Aisling, Harley, and Laura.

  • 6~12歳の子供1人
  • ホストは喫煙しない
  • このホストは次のゲストを歓迎します。
    • ESL/留学生
    • 大学生
    • 大人(20代半ば以上)
    • カップル
    • 子連れ家族旅行
    • 新たな移民
    • 出張者
    • 旅行看護師
  • 食事について: 朝食, 昼食, 夕食
  • ワイヤレスブロードバンドインターネット (Wi-Fi)
  • 外でなら許可する(中庭かバルコニーなど)
  • セルフランドリー(洗濯機と洗剤の使用料込み)
  • 2 Bedrooms, 1~4名収容
  • 1ヵ月 minimum stay
  • 1ヵ月 of notice required to move out


お部屋#1: メインフロアー


利用開始日: 現在


  • ベッド

    • 1 × ダブルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • ご家族と共有
  • 家具

    • ナイトテーブル
    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • 机と椅子
    • 寝室のドアには鍵がある
    • フルハイトミラー
    • 空調
お部屋#2: メインフロアー




  • ベッド

    • 1 × ダブルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • ご家族と共有
  • 家具

    • ナイトテーブル
    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • 机と椅子
    • 寝室のドアには鍵がある
    • フルハイトミラー


条件に合う物件は見つかりましたか? バンクーバー で他のホームステイ先を探す