アメリカ, サンディエゴでホームステイ

I am a retired pre-school teacher who has decided to open my home to host international students learning English in America. I have been hosting for 14years and have hosted students from many countries.

I have not visited other countries but I do intend to go to Hawaii soon. I have a daughter who has traveled extensively and who introduced to me the idea of entertaining students in my home because of her travels to foreign countries.

I do enjoy cooking and can prepare meals from several countries and many cuisines. Unfortunately, I do not offer Halal foods. As a main dish I prepare meals that consist of chicken, beef, and seafood. Movies, walking for exercise, long strolls on the beach and short weekend getaways are some of the other things I enjoy to relax and get exercise.

I am a non smoker and can give you a clean, quiet, smoke free home to live in during your stay in San Diego. I will gladly assist you with any homework assignments you may be having trouble with when asked.

My home is centrally located in the heart of San Diego. I live in a quiet area with two adjacent cul-de-sac which keeps the area closed to through traffic. I am within a few minutes of all the freeway connections in the city. My home is 10 minutes from downtown by car, 35 minutes by bus and trolley. I live alone with visiting children and I have no animals. I am within walking distance to the city bus stop, banks, shopping centers, fitness gyms, grocery stores, a city library, several restaurants, schools, fire department, parks and local businesses.

The bedrooms I have for rent consist of comfortable beds, desk, and chair, dressers and closet space for storage, ceiling fans and lighting that is conductive for your studying needs. I have Wi-Fi, central heat and air, washer and dryer and a maintained backyard and garden area to enjoy.

When responding to my homestay please include your age, sex, and length of time you wish to be in my home. My homestay is for males only, this works better for me.

You will be welcomed in my home and I will try and make your stay in San Diego a happy and memorable one!

  • 子供はいません
  • ホストは喫煙しない
  • このホストは次のゲストを歓迎します。
    • ESL/留学生
    • 大学生
    • 大人(20代半ば以上)
    • カップル
    • 子連れ家族旅行
    • 新たな移民
    • 出張者
    • 旅行看護師
  • 食事について: 朝食, 夕食
  • ワイヤレスブロードバンドインターネット (Wi-Fi)
  • 喫煙を許可しない
  • セルフランドリー(洗濯機と洗剤の使用料込み)
  • 3ベッドルーム, 1~3名収容
  • 最短宿泊期間1ヵ月
  • 退去には2週間前の通知が必要です


お部屋#1: アッパーフロアー


利用開始日: 現在


  • ベッド

    • 1 × シングルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • 寝室のドアには鍵がある
    • 空調
    • ナイトテーブル
    • 机と椅子
お部屋#2: アッパーフロアー




  • ベッド

    • 1 × シングルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • 寝室のドアには鍵がある
    • 空調
    • ナイトテーブル
    • 机と椅子
お部屋#3: アッパーフロアー




  • ベッド

    • 1 × シングルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • 寝室のドアには鍵がある
    • 空調
    • ナイトテーブル
    • 机と椅子


条件に合う物件は見つかりましたか? サンディエゴ で他のホームステイ先を探す