カナダ, オタワでホームステイ

I have rooms available for rent in a very nice home located in the east end of the city. I usually rent to International students or travellers coming to Ottawa to study or work.
My home is a one minute walk to the city bus stop or about a 10 minute walk to Blair station and a short ride to downtown.
My home is perfect for Ottawa University, Carleton University or La Cite Collegiale students looking for a nice, quiet, safe place to stay while they attend school.
From Blair Station it is a short light rail ride to Ottawa University or La Cite Collegiale. It's about 10-12 minutes to Ottawa University by rail and about 7-10 minutes to La Cite by bus. Also located at Blair Station is a Loblaws, Walmart, Pharmacy, LCBO, Cineplex theater and many different restaurants.
My home is fully equipped with everything you'll need. I have a very nice deck in the backyard that is great for relaxing, BBQing or simply enjoying morning coffee. There is a main floor washer and dryer, finished basement, 2 tv/living rooms...1 with fireplace, 4 bathrooms, parking and wifi etc.
I am somewhat of a chef and we eat very well in my home. I like to cook with good, fresh, healthy ingredients. I provide food for 3 meals a day.
I am very clean and neat and expect you to be as well:)
I’m quite confident in saying that I provide one of the best Homestays in the city:)
Sorry for the poor picture quality as these pics were taken with my phone. The rooms are much larger and spacious than they look.
I'm not sure where this website got their travel times to nearby schools? They are very inaccurate. They are quoting much longer travel times than what it actually takes:)
This is partly due because Ottawa now has the light rail instead of city buses to go downtown.

  • 子供はいません
  • ホストは喫煙しない
  • 食事について: 朝食, 昼食, 夕食
  • ワイヤレスブロードバンドインターネット (Wi-Fi)
  • 喫煙を許可しない
  • セルフランドリー(洗濯機と洗剤の使用料込み)
  • 3 Bedrooms, 1~3名収容
  • 1ヵ月 minimum stay
  • 1ヵ月 of notice required to move out


お部屋#1: アッパーフロアー


利用開始日: 現在


  • ベッド

    • 1 × ダブルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • ナイトテーブル
    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • ドライヤー
    • 机と椅子
    • 空調
お部屋#2: アッパーフロアー


利用開始日: 現在


  • ベッド

    • 1 × ダブルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • 他のゲストと共有
  • 家具

    • ナイトテーブル
    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • ドライヤー
    • 机と椅子
お部屋#3: ベースメント


利用開始日: 現在


  • ベッド

    • 1 × ダブルサイズ
  • バスルーム

    • バスルーム(部屋とつながっています)
  • 家具

    • ナイトテーブル
    • クローゼットまたはワードローブ
    • ドライヤー


条件に合う物件は見つかりましたか? オタワ で他のホームステイ先を探す