Homestays and Housing near George Washington University, Main Foggy Bottom Campus (7)
4 mi from school
37 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1-2 guests
$1400 Per Month
1 week minimum stay
5 mi from school
37 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1-2 guests
$1600 Per Month
1 month minimum stay
6 mi from school
31 minutes to school by public transit
2 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-3 guests
$900 Per Month
$1200 Per Month
3 month minimum stay
7 mi from school
39 minutes to school by public transit
3 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-4 guests
$1000 Per Month
1 month minimum stay
9 mi from school
40 minutes to school by public transit
2 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-2 guests
$850 Per Month
3 month minimum stay
10 mi from school
71 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1 guest
$867 Per Month
George Washington University
Washington, DC, United States
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