Homestays and Housing near Berlitz Learning Center, Atlanta

Homestays and Housing near Berlitz Learning Center, Atlanta (3)
Victoria Elaine West Midtown
6 mi from school
32 minutes to school by public transit
2 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-2 guests
$1400 Per Month
2 month minimum stay
Pool, Hot Tub, Lakeview
10 mi from school
88 minutes to school by public transit
1 Bedroom, Sleeps 1-2 guests
$1400 Per Month
1 week minimum stay
A Little Home Away From Home
11 mi from school
71 minutes to school by public transit
3 Bedrooms, Sleeps 1-3 guests
$750 Per Month
1 month minimum stay
Berlitz Learning Centers

Atlanta, GA, United States